What is Openstack Aodh ?

Aodh is a component of the OpenStack cloud computing platform that provides an alarm and monitoring service. It is designed to help operators of OpenStack deployments monitor various metrics and events within their cloud infrastructure. Aodh allows users to define alarms based on specific conditions and triggers, and take actions when those conditions are met.

Here are some key details about Aodh:

  1. Purpose: Aodh’s main purpose is to monitor OpenStack resources and generate alarms based on predefined criteria. It collects data from different OpenStack services, such as Nova (compute), Cinder (block storage), Neutron (networking), and more, and evaluates that data against user-defined rules to determine if an alarm condition is met.
  2. Alarms: An alarm in Aodh represents a specific condition or event that triggers a response. Users can define alarms based on metrics, such as CPU usage, memory utilization, network bandwidth, or events like instance creation or deletion. Alarms can be configured to trigger actions like sending notifications, scaling resources up or down, or executing custom scripts.
  3. Evaluation: Aodh continuously evaluates the collected metrics and events against defined alarm rules. These rules can include threshold-based conditions (e.g., CPU usage exceeding a certain percentage) or complex combinations of multiple metrics. Aodh supports a wide range of data sources, including the Ceilometer telemetry service, which provides data from various OpenStack components.
  4. Actions: When an alarm condition is met, Aodh can perform various actions based on user configuration. It supports actions such as sending notifications via email or messaging services, executing external commands or scripts, and triggering auto-scaling actions to adjust the resources dynamically.
  5. Integration: Aodh integrates with other OpenStack components and services to collect data and trigger actions. It relies on Ceilometer for collecting telemetry data, Keystone for authentication and access control, and supports integration with the OpenStack telemetry service (Gnocchi) for storing and querying metric data.
  6. API and CLI: Aodh provides a RESTful API that allows users to manage alarms, rules, and other related resources programmatically. It also offers a command-line interface (CLI) for interacting with Aodh from the command line, enabling users to manage alarms, query alarms’ state, and perform other administrative tasks.

Components of Openstack Aodh:

  1. aodh-api
  2. aodh-expirer
  3. aodh-listener
  4. aodh-evaluator
  5. aodh-notifier

Overall, Aodh is a valuable component of OpenStack for monitoring and managing alarms in a cloud environment. It helps operators ensure the health, performance, and availability of their OpenStack infrastructure by providing a flexible and extensible alarm and monitoring service.

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