10 things Openstack engineer should learn

As an OpenStack engineer, mastering the following 10 key areas will significantly enhance your ability to design, deploy, and manage OpenStack-based cloud environments effectively:

  1. OpenStack Architecture: Understand the overall architecture of OpenStack, including its core components (Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Glance, Keystone, Swift, etc.) and their interactions within the cloud infrastructure.
  2. Deployment and Configuration: Learn different methods of deploying OpenStack, such as using DevStack for development, Packstack for single-node installations, or Ansible scripts for production deployments. Master configuration options for various services.
    Devstack is single node installation which also helps to understand services better and do development as well.
    Openstack-ansible allows to deploy and configure multi-node setup using ansible.
    TripleO allows to deploy and configure using tripleo client which uses heat orchestration, docker containers etc.
  3. Networking in OpenStack: Gain expertise in Neutron, the networking component of OpenStack. Learn about networking concepts like networks, subnets, routers, security groups, and how to configure and manage networking resources in OpenStack.
  4. Storage Management: Understand Cinder (block storage), Manila (shared file system) and Swift (object storage) components in OpenStack. Learn how to attach volumes to instances, create object containers, and manage storage resources efficiently.
  5. Identity and Access Management: Master Keystone, the identity service in OpenStack. Learn how to configure authentication methods, users, projects, roles, and how to integrate Keystone with other OpenStack services.
  6. Virtualization Technologies: Familiarize yourself with virtualization technologies like KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) and QEMU (Quick EMUlator) used by OpenStack to create and manage virtual machines. Most deployments of Openstack cloud uses either Ubuntu or RHEL as base hypervisor with KVM for virtualization. However Openstack Nova also support HyperV and VMware ESXi hypervisors.
  7. High Availability and Fault Tolerance: Learn techniques for achieving high availability and fault tolerance in OpenStack, such as utilizing redundant components, distributed architecture, and setting up automatic failover mechanisms.
  8. Monitoring and Troubleshooting: Acquire skills in monitoring the health and performance of OpenStack services using tools like Ceilometer and troubleshooting common issues that may arise during deployment and operation.
  9. Upgrades and Version Compatibility: Understand the process of upgrading OpenStack to newer releases while ensuring compatibility with existing components and configurations.
  10. Security Best Practices: Implement security best practices for securing the OpenStack infrastructure, including network isolation, SSL/TLS encryption, secure authentication mechanisms, and regular security audits.

Additionally, staying up-to-date with the latest releases, community discussions, and attending OpenStack conferences and meetups will help you stay informed about advancements in the platform and best practices from experienced practitioners. OpenStack is a rapidly evolving project, and continuous learning is essential to excel in the role of an OpenStack engineer.
In the next post, we will cover Openstack Summit Vancouver 2023 highlights.

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