
Openstack is open source private cloud solution which supports various hypervisors like VMware, KVM, Hyper-V etc.

Openstack TripleO Overcloud Environment Preparation

To prepare baremetal environment following things needs to consider: 1. Hardware configuration To deploy a minimal TripleO cloud with TripleO you need the following baremetal machines: Undercloud Overcloud Controller Overcloud Compute For each additional Overcloud role, such as Block Storage or Object Storage, you need an additional baremetal machine.The baremetal machines must meet the following …

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Openstack TripleO Workflow

OpenStack TripleO is a deployment framework for OpenStack that allows you to install and manage OpenStack services on bare metal servers. It leverages the OpenStack Orchestration (Heat) service to automate the deployment process. The TripleO deployment workflow consists of several stages and steps. Here is a high-level overview of the workflow: It’s important to note …

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