“designate-api” service

OpenStack Designate is a DNS-as-a-Service (DNSaaS) component within the OpenStack cloud computing platform. It provides DNS management capabilities for OpenStack deployments, allowing users to create and manage DNS zones and records. The Designate API is the interface that enables users to interact with the Designate service programmatically.

Here are some key details about the OpenStack Designate API:

  1. RESTful API: The Designate API follows the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) and is implemented as a RESTful web service. It utilizes HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform various operations on DNS resources.
  2. API Endpoints: The API endpoints for the Designate service are typically exposed via the Keystone service catalog. Keystone is the OpenStack Identity service that provides authentication and authorization for other OpenStack services. Users must authenticate with Keystone to obtain an authentication token, which is then used to authorize requests to the Designate API.
  3. Resource Types: The Designate API operates on different resource types, including zones, recordsets, and records. A zone represents a DNS domain and contains a collection of recordsets, which in turn hold individual DNS records. Users can create, update, delete, and query these resources using the Designate API.
  4. Zone Management: The Designate API allows users to create and manage DNS zones. Zone creation involves specifying the domain name, email address of the zone administrator, and other optional settings. Once created, zones can be updated with additional configuration options or deleted if no longer needed.
  5. Recordset Management: Within a zone, users can create recordsets that hold DNS records. A recordset represents a set of records with the same name and type. The Designate API supports various record types, including A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, TXT, and more. Users can add, update, or delete recordsets as required.
  6. Record Management: Users can manage individual DNS records within recordsets. Records represent the actual data associated with a specific record type, such as an IP address for an A record or a mail server for an MX record. The Designate API allows users to create, update, or delete records within a recordset.
  7. Extensions: Designate provides a mechanism called API extensions, which allows for additional functionality beyond the core API. Extensions can be enabled or disabled based on requirements. Some commonly used extensions include support for secondary DNS servers, DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions), and PTR (pointer) records.
  8. Notifications: The Designate API provides a mechanism to subscribe to DNS-related events and receive notifications. This feature enables users to integrate Designate with other systems and be notified of changes or updates to DNS resources.

Overall, the Designate API enables users to manage DNS zones, recordsets, and records in an OpenStack environment, providing a flexible and programmatic way to control DNS infrastructure within the cloud platform.

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