What is Openstack Manila ?

OpenStack Manila is an open-source shared file system service that is part of the OpenStack cloud computing platform. It provides a set of APIs and tools for managing and provisioning shared file systems, similar to how OpenStack Cinder manages block storage.

Here are some key details about OpenStack Manila:

  1. Shared File System Service: OpenStack Manila enables users to create and manage shared file systems, allowing multiple instances to access and share the same set of files simultaneously. It provides a unified interface for managing various types of shared file systems, including Network File System (NFS) and Common Internet File System (CIFS/SMB).
  2. Architecture: OpenStack Manila follows a client-server architecture. The Manila service runs on the OpenStack controller node and manages the shared file systems. It interacts with the underlying storage backend, such as NFS or CIFS servers, to provide file services to the instances. The client-side Manila driver is installed on each compute node to enable instance access to the shared file systems.
  3. API and CLI: OpenStack Manila offers a RESTful API and a command-line interface (CLI) that allows users to interact with the service. The API supports operations such as creating, deleting, and managing shared file systems, as well as managing access rules and security services.
  4. Share Types: Manila introduces the concept of “share types” to define different characteristics and behaviors of shared file systems. Share types allow users to create file systems with specific performance profiles, capabilities, and storage backends. For example, a share type can define whether a file system is NFS or CIFS, the size and performance requirements, and the storage backend to use.
  5. Security and Access Control: OpenStack Manila provides various security features to control access to shared file systems. Access rules can be defined to restrict which instances or networks can access a specific file system. Additionally, Manila supports integration with security services like LDAP or Active Directory for authentication and authorization.
  6. Share Replication: Manila supports file system replication for high availability and data protection. Users can configure a share to be replicated across multiple storage backends, allowing for failover and ensuring that the file system remains accessible even if one backend fails.
  7. Integration with other OpenStack services: OpenStack Manila integrates with other OpenStack services like Keystone (identity service) and Horizon (dashboard). It leverages Keystone for authentication and authorization, and Horizon provides a web-based graphical user interface for managing shared file systems.
  8. Drivers and Plugins: OpenStack Manila supports a wide range of storage backends through its driver and plugin architecture. Drivers are responsible for interacting with specific storage technologies, while plugins handle integration with different file sharing protocols such as NFS and CIFS. This flexibility allows users to leverage existing storage infrastructure and choose the most suitable options for their requirements.

Components of Openstack Manila:

  1. manila-api
  2. manila-share
  3. manila-scheduler

Overall, OpenStack Manila simplifies the management and provisioning of shared file systems in OpenStack-based cloud environments, enabling efficient sharing and collaboration among instances and applications.

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