“mistral-api” service

OpenStack Mistral is an open-source workflow service that is part of the OpenStack ecosystem. It provides a mechanism for defining and executing workflows as a series of tasks, which can be used to automate various operations in an OpenStack environment.

The Mistral API is the interface through which users and applications interact with the Mistral service. It allows users to create, manage, and execute workflows, as well as retrieve information about workflow executions, tasks, and other related entities.

Here are some key aspects of the Mistral API:

  1. Workflow Definition: The API allows users to define workflows using YAML or JSON-based markup languages. Workflows consist of a sequence of tasks and can include conditions, loops, and branching logic. Workflows can be created, updated, and deleted using the API.
  2. Execution: The API allows users to start, pause, resume, and stop workflow executions. When starting an execution, users can provide input data that will be used by the workflow. Users can also specify the target environment where the workflow will be executed, such as an OpenStack project.
  3. Task Management: Mistral breaks down workflows into individual tasks. The API provides methods to create, update, delete, and retrieve information about tasks. Tasks can be executed asynchronously, and the API allows users to monitor the status and progress of tasks.
  4. Action Execution: Actions in Mistral are individual units of work that can be executed within a task. The API enables users to execute actions, which can be either predefined Mistral actions or custom actions defined by the users. Actions can perform various operations, such as interacting with external services or executing scripts.
  5. Workflow Environment: Mistral allows users to define and manage workflow environments, which provide context and resources for executing workflows. The API allows users to create and manage environments, such as defining variables, credentials, and other configuration parameters.
  6. Workflow Queries: The API provides a query interface that allows users to retrieve information about workflows, workflow executions, tasks, and other entities. Users can query for specific workflow executions or tasks based on filters, such as status, timestamps, or custom attributes.
  7. Authentication and Authorization: The Mistral API supports authentication and authorization mechanisms provided by OpenStack, such as Keystone. Users need to authenticate themselves and have the necessary permissions to access and manipulate workflows and workflow-related resources.

It’s important to note that the above information provides a high-level overview of the Mistral API. For more detailed and up-to-date information, it’s recommended to refer to the official Mistral documentation or API reference.

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