Openstack placement database

OpenStack Placement is responsible for tracking and managing the availability and allocation of resources, such as compute nodes, storage, and networking, in an OpenStack deployment. The Placement service consists of multiple components, including an API service, a database, and an associated set of libraries and utilities. In this response, I will focus on providing details about the Placement database.

The Placement database is a crucial component of the Placement service. It stores and manages information about the available resources, their properties, and their allocations. The database is designed to handle large-scale deployments and provides a reliable and scalable storage solution for the Placement service.

Here are some key points about the Placement database:

  1. Database Type: The Placement database is typically implemented using a relational database management system (RDBMS) such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MariaDB. The specific database system used may vary depending on the deployment and configuration.
  2. Schema: The Placement database has a defined schema that organizes the data into tables and defines the relationships between them. The schema is designed to efficiently store and retrieve resource-related information.
  3. Resource Inventory: The Placement database stores information about the inventory of resources available in the OpenStack deployment. This includes details about compute nodes, such as their capacity, capabilities, and current usage status. It may also include information about storage devices and network resources.
  4. Resource Providers: The database maintains a list of resource providers, which represent the entities that can provide resources in the OpenStack deployment. Each resource provider corresponds to a physical or virtual entity, such as a compute node or a storage device. The database tracks the characteristics and capabilities of these providers.
  5. Resource Classes: Resource classes define the types of resources that can be allocated in the deployment, such as CPU, memory, disk, or network bandwidth. The Placement database stores information about these resource classes, including their names, properties, and allocation ratios.
  6. Allocations: The database tracks the allocations of resources made within the deployment. An allocation represents the assignment of a specific amount of a resource to a consumer, such as a virtual machine or an instance. The database stores information about the allocations, including the resource provider, the consumer, and the amount of the allocated resource.
  7. Queries and Updates: The Placement API interacts with the Placement database to perform operations such as querying the available resources, creating or updating resource allocations, and updating the inventory. The database ensures data integrity and consistency for these operations.

It’s important to note that the specific implementation and details of the Placement database can vary depending on the version of OpenStack being used and the choices made during the deployment process. Therefore, it’s recommended to consult the official OpenStack documentation or the specific deployment documentation for more precise information regarding the Placement database in a particular OpenStack setup.

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