“zun-api” service

OpenStack Zun is a container service that provides an API for managing and running containers in an OpenStack environment. It allows users to launch and manage containerized applications on OpenStack using a simple and consistent interface. The Zun API is a crucial component of Zun that enables users to interact with the container service.

Here are some key details about the Zun API:

  1. Functionality: The Zun API provides a set of endpoints that allow users to perform various container management operations, such as creating and deleting containers, managing container networks, managing container volumes, and retrieving container information.
  2. RESTful Interface: The Zun API follows the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) and exposes endpoints that can be accessed using standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Users can make HTTP requests to these endpoints to interact with the Zun service.
  3. API Endpoints: The Zun API offers a range of endpoints to perform different container-related actions. Some of the key endpoints include:
    • Containers: Endpoints for managing containers, such as creating, listing, updating, and deleting containers. Users can also retrieve details about a specific container or perform actions like starting, stopping, or restarting a container.
    • Container Groups: Endpoints for managing container groups, which are sets of containers that are scheduled and managed together. Users can create, list, update, and delete container groups using these endpoints.
    • Container Networks: Endpoints for managing container networks. Users can create and manage networks for containers, assign IP addresses, and configure network-related settings.
    • Container Volumes: Endpoints for managing container volumes. Users can attach and detach volumes to containers, create and delete volume types, and perform other volume-related operations.
  4. Authentication and Security: The Zun API supports authentication and authorization mechanisms provided by the OpenStack Identity service (Keystone). Users need to authenticate themselves using valid credentials and obtain an authentication token before accessing the API endpoints. The token is included in the HTTP headers of subsequent API requests to ensure secure communication.
  5. API Versioning: The Zun API supports versioning to allow for backward compatibility and the introduction of new features. Each API version has its own set of endpoints and behavior. Users can specify the desired API version in the API request headers to ensure compatibility with their applications.
  6. Extensibility: The Zun API is designed to be extensible, allowing for the addition of custom functionality and features. It supports the OpenStack extension framework, which enables developers to extend the API with new resources and operations.

Overall, the Zun API provides a comprehensive set of endpoints and functionality for managing containers in an OpenStack environment. It simplifies container orchestration and management tasks, allowing users to easily deploy and manage containerized applications using OpenStack.

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