Openstack TripleO Architecture

OpenStack TripleO (OpenStack on OpenStack) is an infrastructure deployment and management tool specifically designed for deploying and operating OpenStack clouds. It allows you to deploy and manage OpenStack services using OpenStack itself as the underlying infrastructure.

TripleO follows a complex architecture that involves multiple components working together to provision, deploy, and manage an OpenStack cloud. Here’s an overview of the key components and their roles:

  1. Undercloud: The Undercloud is the central management node that deploys and manages the Overcloud. It provides the control plane for TripleO and runs various services like the OpenStack Orchestration service (Heat), OpenStack Image service (Glance), OpenStack Networking service (Neutron), etc. The Undercloud is responsible for coordinating the deployment process and managing the Overcloud’s lifecycle.
  2. Overcloud: The Overcloud represents the deployed OpenStack cloud infrastructure. It consists of multiple nodes, each serving a specific role such as compute, storage, and network. The Overcloud nodes are provisioned and configured by the Undercloud using the OpenStack Ironic bare metal provisioning service.
  3. Heat: Heat is the orchestration service within OpenStack. It is responsible for managing the lifecycle of cloud resources and enabling the definition of complex infrastructure-as-code deployments. Heat templates are used to describe the desired state of the Overcloud, including the network topology, server configurations, and relationships between resources.
  4. Ironic: Ironic is the OpenStack service responsible for bare metal provisioning. It integrates with hardware platforms and manages the provisioning of physical servers (nodes) for the Overcloud. Ironic is used by TripleO to deploy the required software on bare metal nodes, including the base operating system and OpenStack services.
  5. Nova: Nova is the compute service in OpenStack, responsible for managing and orchestrating virtual machines (VMs) and instances. Nova interacts with Ironic to manage and control the lifecycle of bare metal nodes in the Overcloud.
  6. Neutron: Neutron is the OpenStack Networking service. It provides networking capabilities to the Overcloud, allowing the creation and management of virtual networks, subnets, routers, and other network resources.
  7. Ceph: Ceph is a distributed storage system that can be integrated with TripleO to provide storage services for the Overcloud. Ceph can be used for block storage (Cinder), object storage (Swift), and image storage (Glance) within the OpenStack environment.
  8. Keystone: Keystone is the identity service in OpenStack. It provides authentication, authorization, and service catalog functionality. Keystone is used by TripleO to authenticate and manage access to the deployed Overcloud.
  9. Swift: Swift is the OpenStack object storage service. It allows the storage and retrieval of large amounts of unstructured data. Swift can be integrated with TripleO to provide object storage capabilities within the Overcloud.

These are some of the key components and their roles within the TripleO architecture. However, TripleO is a highly flexible and customizable tool, and additional OpenStack services can be integrated based on specific deployment requirements.

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