“zun-compute” service

OpenStack Zun-Compute is a component of the OpenStack platform that provides container management and orchestration capabilities. It is specifically designed to manage and run containers at scale in a cloud environment. Zun-Compute integrates with other OpenStack services to provide a comprehensive solution for container-based application deployment and management. Here are some key details about OpenStack …

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“zun-api” service

OpenStack Zun is a container service that provides an API for managing and running containers in an OpenStack environment. It allows users to launch and manage containerized applications on OpenStack using a simple and consistent interface. The Zun API is a crucial component of Zun that enables users to interact with the container service. Here …

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What is Openstack Zun ?

OpenStack Zun is a project within the OpenStack ecosystem that provides container management services for deploying and managing containerized applications. Zun is designed to be a multi-tenant container orchestration platform, allowing users to run and manage containers at scale. Here are some key aspects of OpenStack Zun: Components of Openstack Zun: Overall, OpenStack Zun aims …

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“ceilometer-agent-notification” service

Ceilometer is an OpenStack component that provides telemetry services for collecting and processing metering data in an OpenStack cloud environment. The ceilometer-agent-notification is one of the services provided by Ceilometer, responsible for receiving and processing metering notifications. Here’s a detailed explanation of ceilometer-agent-notification: In summary, the ceilometer-agent-notification is a component of the Ceilometer project in …

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