Openstack networking OVS vs OVN

OpenStack OVS and OpenStack OVN are two different networking(Neutron) options available within the OpenStack ecosystem. Let’s compare them based on various aspects:

PointsOVS (Open vSwitch)OVN (Open Virtual Network)
ArchitectureIt utilizes Open vSwitch as the networking technology. Open vSwitch is a multilayer virtual switch that provides network connectivity for virtual machines (VMs) within an OpenStack deployment.It is an overlay network solution built on Open vSwitch. OVN provides virtual networking abstraction and implements logical switches, routers, and security groups.
FeaturesIt offers basic networking features such as VLANs, GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation), VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN), and security groups. It integrates with other OpenStack components to provide network connectivity for VMs.It provides more advanced features compared to OVS. OVN offers native support for overlay networks, distributed routing, distributed security groups, and logical routers. It also provides enhanced security capabilities like micro-segmentation.
Scalability and PerformanceOVS can scale well for moderate-sized deployments. However, as the number of VMs and network traffic increase, it may encounter performance limitations due to the centralized control plane.OVN is designed to be highly scalable and performant. It leverages distributed control planes, allowing it to handle large-scale deployments efficiently. OVN’s distributed routing and security group implementation contribute to improved performance.
Management and ConfigurationOVS requires manual configuration and management of network resources. Administrators need to configure bridges, ports, and connectivity manually.OVN provides higher-level abstractions for network configuration, making it easier to manage and automate. It introduces logical constructs like logical switches and routers, which can be dynamically provisioned and managed through the OpenStack APIs.
Integration with OpenStackIt has been the traditional default networking choice for OpenStack deployments. It integrates well with other OpenStack components, such as Neutron, Nova, and Horizon. OVS uses various neutron agents like DHCP agent, L3 agent etc while integrating with Openstack.It is gaining popularity due to its advanced features and improved scalability. It also integrates with Neutron, Nova, and other OpenStack services. OVN uses ovn-controller, ovn-metadata agent, ovn-vswitchd, ovsdb-server.

In summary, OpenStack OVS is a reliable networking option suitable for smaller deployments, while OpenStack OVN provides more advanced features, scalability, and performance for larger-scale OpenStack environments. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements and goals of your OpenStack deployment.

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