Openstack Vs SUSE Harvester

OpenStack and SUSE Harvester are both open-source cloud computing platforms that provide infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) capabilities. While they share some similarities, there are also notable differences between the two. Let’s compare them in detail:

FeatureOpenStackSUSE Harvester
ArchitectureOpenStack is a modular platform composed of multiple services. It includes core components such as Nova (compute), Neutron (networking), Cinder (block storage), Glance (image service), Keystone (identity service), and many others. It offers a flexible and extensible architecture that allows users to choose and integrate different components based on their requirements.SUSE Harvester is built on top of Kubernetes and leverages the Kubernetes control plane as its foundation. It utilizes the OpenStack Ironic project for bare-metal provisioning. It focuses on providing a streamlined deployment experience and utilizes Kubernetes concepts such as operators and custom resource definitions (CRDs).
DeploymentDeploying OpenStack can be complex and requires expertise. It involves installing and configuring multiple components and their dependencies manually or using deployment tools like OpenStack-Ansible, Kolla, or TripleO. Customization and configuration management can be time-consuming.SUSE Harvester aims to simplify the deployment process. It utilizes Kubernetes and provides an opinionated approach, automating much of the installation and configuration. It uses Helm charts and Kubernetes operators to manage the deployment and lifecycle of the components.
Hypervisor SupportMultiple (KVM, VMware, Hyper-V, etc.)KVM (by default)
ContainerizationOpenStack traditionally uses virtual machines (VMs) for its compute nodes, but it also supports containerization through projects like Magnum and Zun. However, containerization in OpenStack is not as tightly integrated and pervasive as in Kubernetes-based platforms.SUSE Harvester is built on Kubernetes, which is known for its strong containerization and orchestration capabilities. It fully embraces containerization, allowing users to deploy and manage applications as containers using Kubernetes constructs like pods, deployments, and services.
ManagementProvides comprehensive cloud management capabilitiesFocused on Hyperconverged Infrastructure management
Use CaseOpenStack is often used in private and public clouds for building IaaS platforms. It provides a comprehensive set of services for managing virtual machines, networks, storage, and more. It is suitable for organizations that require extensive customization and control over their cloud infrastructure.SUSE Harvester focuses on providing a Kubernetes-centric IaaS platform with an emphasis on containerization and automation. It is well-suited for organizations that prefer a simplified deployment experience and want to leverage the benefits of Kubernetes for running containerized workloads.
ScalabilityHighly scalable and supports large-scale deploymentsScalable, but primarily designed for smaller deployments
EcosystemLarge and vibrant ecosystem with extensive community supportSmaller ecosystem with SUSE-specific tools and integrations
SupportCommunity-driven support and commercial support optionsCommercial support provided by SUSE

Overall, while both OpenStack and SUSE Harvester are cloud computing platforms, their architectures, deployment processes, containerization approaches, and focus areas differ. OpenStack offers more flexibility and extensive customization options, while SUSE Harvester simplifies deployment and leverages Kubernetes’ containerization capabilities. Choosing between them depends on specific requirements, expertise, and preferences.

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