What is Openstack Nova ?

OpenStack Nova is a key component of the OpenStack cloud computing platform. It provides the compute service, allowing users to manage and provision virtual machines (VMs) and other resources in a distributed environment. Nova is responsible for the creation, scheduling, and management of instances (VMs) across a cluster of compute nodes. Here are some key …

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Create VM on devstack

Once devstack is installed, we need to follow some steps before creating our first virtual machine. Please check below steps:- 1. From CLI, export the credentials for demo user cd devstack source openrc demo demo 2. Create Security group rules openstack security group rule create –proto tcp –dst-port 22 defaultopenstack security group rule create –proto …

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Install Devstack on Ubuntu 22.04

DevStack is an easy way to quickly bring up a complete OpenStack environment based on the latest versions of everything from git master. Devstack installation is suitable on baremetal as well as inside virtual machine. The source is available at https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack. Quick steps to install Devstack on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) 1. Create stack user, change permission …

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